Thursday, July 2, 2020

How Animals Teach Mindfulness and Spirituality

Henry Gellis is a Southern California entrepreneur who is a founding investor of, an online publication with a unique emphasis on topics from healthy living to yoga. A recent article in Henry Gellis’ publication brought focus to lessons we can learn from animals when it comes to spirituality.

For adults, communing with other species may be mind-expanding and good for the soul. Children may have a particularly strong connection with animals, as they are closer to their elemental selves, free from information overload, expectations, and excessive cultural formations, including language. Different species each have their own ways of sharing, interacting, and loving, and to understand this first hand broadens our own capacity in these realms.

Through taking time to commune with an animal companion, adults may be able to bring themselves into a more mindful state, free from internal and external noise. In many cases, such interactions emphasize the importance of patience, as animals do not adhere to the time schedules of humans.

One approach to learning from an animal is to practice mindful breathing corresponding to that of the animal. Another involves learning to communicate fully without words. The author describes attending a workshop facilitated by a shaman who was also a horse trainer. One practice she found valuable centered on making requests of horses only using focused thought. To have the horse respond to the energy of these concentrated thoughts was empowering and enlightening.