Monday, December 12, 2016

The Benefits of Organic Food for the Environment and Health

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Yoga Linked to Improved Health Through a More Diverse Gut Microbiome

The owner of Gellis Investment Management and president of, Entrepreneur and Wellness Guru Henry Gellis is interested in the intersection of stress reduction, nutrition, health, and technology. One of Henry Gellis’ primary hobbies is yoga. 

The benefits of yoga are numerous and some are perhaps unexpected. For example, yoga has been linked to a better gut microbiome. The gut is linked to health in many ways, including immunity, weight regulation, and food digestion. Part of a healthy gut includes good bacteria, but many things can upset this microbiome, include chronic stress, environmental toxins, and processed foods.

Yoga has been linked to a healthier gut microbiome for two key reasons. First, yoga helps control stress levels. Too much stress changes the way in which gut microbes interact with the body. By controlling stress, yoga helps maintain a good gut balance. Secondly, moderate exercise like yoga is linked to better microbial diversity, especially when paired with a high-protein diet. Microbial diversity is very important for strengthening the immune system and maintaining healthy body processes. 

The impact of yoga on gastrointestinal health may explain some of the other benefits of the practice. In addition to a stronger immune system, a good gut microbiome increases energy and endurance, strengthens bones and joints, and combats depression.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What Distinguishers Original Thinkers from the Rest of Us?

The president of Los Angeles-based, Henry Gellis also leads Gellis Investment Management, which has invested in a number of companies working in stress reduction, health, and nutrition. To get inspired, Henry Gellis enjoys talking to some of the most original thinkers alive today. 

Some people may wonder if there is a way to distinguish original thinkers from the crowd. Psychologist Adam Grant set out to answer this question and spent years studying the most cutting-edge minds of our generation. His studies identified three common traits of all original thinkers. The first of these traits, perhaps surprisingly, is procrastination. While procrastinators typically take more time to finish a project, research has shown that their end results tend to be much more creative. According to Grant, this creativity results from procrastinators taking the time to consider new, outside-the-box possibilities.

The second common trait is that original thinkers tend to have a large number of ideas. Not all of these ideas are necessarily good, but original thinkers have several that they would be willing to bet on being successful. Grant acknowledges that original thinkers tend to fail often, but they are willing to try. 

Some people may think original thinkers are fearless, but this is not true. In fact, says Grant, fear is the third common trait. However, these individuals tend to use their doubt to improve their ideas rather than hold them back. Because of doubt, original thinkers tend to continue refining their ideas to be as good as possible.

Monday, October 3, 2016

A Helpful Guide for Vegetarians Traveling in Thailand

Henry Gellis is the owner of Gellis Investment Management in Los Angeles, California. Outside of his professional responsibilities, Henry Gellis has spent a lot of time traveling. As he tries to limit his consumption of animal products, he has experience ordering vegetarian cuisine in many countries, including Thailand. 

While Thailand can prove extremely friendly to vegetarians, individuals need to understand the philosophy of eating in this country. First, visitors need to understand that vegetarian in Thai means that people do not eat chunks of meat or fish. In other words, meat stock, fish sauce, eggs, and similar ingredients are allowed. For that reason, some people may want to order vegan dishes. However, even vegan has a different meaning. Vegan foods contain no animal products or garlic, and certain herbs and vegetables may be left out.

Some dishes in Thailand are typically vegetarian, such as pad pak ruam prik gaeng, which consists of mixed vegetables cooked in chili curry paste and kaffir lime leaves. Another option is pad pak gachet, which is stir-fried water mimosa, a delicious Thai vegetable that grows underwater. Individuals can also order vegetarian pad gra pao het jay, which replaces pork with mushrooms. In all of these cases, it can be helpful to ask for no fish sauce, which is commonly used in restaurants.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Byron Katie’s Four Questions for Self-Discovery and Healing


Entrepreneur and Wellness Guru Gellis brings yoga tips, health-related news, and inspiration to his readers as the president of On his website, Henry Gellis offers advice and original interviews from popular leaders in mindfulness and self-improvement, including Byron Katie.

Byron Katie’s method of self-searching relies on four big questions. She suggests that directed self-inquiry helps uncover the real reasons people experience suffering and emotional hardships in their own lives. As part of the healing process, Byron Katie asks people to identify an issue that is weighing on their mind and answer the following four questions honestly.

1. “Is it true?” Individuals must determine if an issue is as it seems or if something else is sparking the negative feelings.

2. “Can you absolutely know that it is true?” For example, it is difficult to know absolutely what another person thinks about you, and people cannot see the future to know if their fear will come to pass.

3. “How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?” This question asks people to evaluate how focusing on negative thoughts impacts their behavior and feelings.

4. “Who would you be without that thought?” The final question encourages people to envision themselves without the negativity that causes them pain.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Inspirational Leader Tony Robbins Prepares for a Stress-Free Day

At, Entrepreneur and Wellness Guru Henry Gellis presents tips for healthful, stress-free living to his readers. Many of the articles and interviews on Henry Gellis’ site come from popular inspirational leaders, including Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, and Tony Robbins.

An advocate for mindfulness, a popular motivational speaker, and the author of several best-selling self-help and motivational books, Tony Robbins attributes a good deal of his infectious energy to his unique morning routine. For years, he has maintained a ritual designed to shock his system and prepare him mentally and physically for each new day.

Tony Robbins often begins his day by plunging into a very cold pool or river for up to a minute. A fan of cryotherapy, he also enjoys spending several minutes in a cryotherapy unit on the mornings following a long seminar.

After a quick freeze, the motivational speaker begins his “priming” ritual, which includes listening to meditative music followed by performing sets of Kapalabhati Pranayama breaths. After this yoga exercise, he spends time contemplating three things for which he is thankful and finishes off with his own version of a prayer.                          

Monday, August 22, 2016 Brings Good News From Bhutan

Financial professional Henry Gellis owns Gellis Investment Management in Los Angeles, California, where he seeks out investments in rising health-minded\ companies. He also serves as president of, a meditation and mindfulness website dedicated to helping readers live better. Henry Gellis' site also shares good news about health, wellness, and happiness from around the world. A recent article discussed Bhutan’s move to all-organic agriculture.

Bhutan, the tiny country between China and India, is perhaps most famous for evaluating its worth in terms of gross national happiness rather than gross domestic product. The primarily Buddhist kingdom has recently taken one more step toward a peaceful, happy life for its 700,000 subjects. Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley recently unveiled the beginnings of a plan to shift the entire nation to an all-organic agricultural system.

Bhutanese officials believe organic farming will help the nation's residents feel harmonious with nature, which will lead to sustainable prosperity in years to come. As most of the nation's farming is already done without chemical pesticides and fertilizers, this shift toward harmony may be within reach for the small nation.