Monday, May 13, 2019

Mindfulness in the Workplace

As a private equity investor, Henry Gellis focuses on businesses with positive social benefits, including companies in stress reduction and mindfulness. Henry Gellis is a founding shareholder in the media company Awaken, which publishes informative articles that spread awareness of practices that improve well-being, including mindfulness. 

Mindfulness training is becoming a popular offering in workplace wellness programs. Research has found that mindfulness has the following impact on employees and managers:

- Improved well-being. Stress is one of the top contributors to workplace illness and reduced productivity. Mindfulness practice has been linked to higher levels of employee resilience, which can protect workers from the effects of a stressful environment. 

- Improved performance. Mindfulness practice helps the brain relax and makes it more effective during deep cognitive tasks. Employees who routinely engage in mindfulness exercises exhibit more creativity, flexibility, and adaptability.

- Better relationships. Mindful managers and other workplace leaders are more empathetic toward their subordinates, which can improve the job satisfaction of employees. Conversely, mindful employees are more effective at managing the stress of working under difficult supervisors.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Aligning With the Higher Self Through Listening to Intuition

Leading Gellis Investment Management, California entrepreneur Henry Gellis seeks out value in companies that are presently undervalued. Among Henry Gellis’ successful endeavors has been helping launch, which provides articles and resources spanning the full spectrum of holistic wellness. 

A recent feature on the Awaken website centered on author Jonathan Robinson, who spoke about strategies for aligning with one’s higher self. As Robinson describes it, contemporary culture is too focused on money and activities undertaken simply for the sake of staying busy. Many people forget to take time to give those they love they gift of connection. One way of countering this tendency is, when in a happy or loving moment, to “try not to leave it so quickly.” 

Another aspect involves listening to the universe and being aware of feedback in one’s daily life. Feelings such as boredom and frustration let us know when we are “hot or cold.” Intuition can also tell us when things are heading in the right direction, with a sense of “feeling right” often leading to positive results. Rather than simply following the mind on a “wild ride,” trust the way one feels about something in the moment.

This does not mean that the path is necessarily easy. Rather, when something is both positive and meaningful, more energy will be directed toward it in ways that achieve measurable results.